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Re: Re: Which one to learn? Gtk or Qt?

--- On Sat, 3 Jun 2000 Raju Mathur wrote: 
> >>>>> "Biju" == Biju Chacko <biju_chacko@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
>     Biju> I suppose I'd have to ask: *
>     Biju> which is easier to learn?  * which is technically superior
>     Biju> (if that's a meaningful question)?
> Doesn't matter.  Go for GTK, it has a better license than Qt.

Raju Ol' Pal,

Don't you think that's an Open Source equivalent of a Microsoftism? The
downfall of commercial software began when commercial considerations
became more important than technical ones. Open Source will go down the
toilet the day license issues override technical ones.

All other things being equal, I'll go for the software that's more
free. But I'll *never* use software just because it's GPLed rather than
QPLed or commercial or what have you.

I think this is a point we all tend to forget in the heady rush of the
OSS movement: the world of computing is first and foremost a
*technical* domain. All other factors are secondary, including

*puts on asbestos underpants*


PS: Going OT, replies on LIG please.

Biju "Botsie" Chacko

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