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Re: Community and Movement

use CGI qw/ :standard / ;
use CGI::Pretty ;

Fixes all your problems :-)

-- Raju

>>>>> "Ravi" == Ravikant K Rao <ravikant@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Ravi> Y0 31337 d00dz (tm) -- (suresh ishtyle ;)
>>>>> "Udhay" == Udhay Shankar N <udhay@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Udhay> <irony> <humor> <satire> <truth>

    Ravi> 	<snip>

    Udhay> </irony> </humor> </satire> </truth>

    Ravi> <RAVI'S RANT>

    Ravi> 	Nope. The right way to shut html tags are working
    Ravi> backward.  For example, if you went,

    Ravi> 	<foo> <bar> <baz>

    Ravi> 		then you have to shut it like so,

    Ravi> 	</baz> </bar> </foo>

    Ravi> 	Again, there are very many guidelines/protocol to be
    Ravi> followed/obeyed.
    Ravi> 	There *should* be only one (as few as possible) tags
    Ravi> per single line - they should be in all CAPS ..and
    Ravi> appropriate indentation should be done, too -- so that it
    Ravi> looks like

    Ravi> 	<FOO> <BAR> <BAZ>

    Ravi> 		blah blah blah

    Ravi> 	    </BAZ> </BAR> </FOO>

    Ravi> 	The rules are at www.htmlgoodies.com

    Ravi> 	Well, you *could* say, yeah, I could write the entire
    Ravi> html file in one line ... but the code would be _so_
    Ravi> freaking messy, that if you miss *one* "/" somewhere, like
    Ravi> say with a <B> bold </B> , your entire document is going to
    Ravi> look bold and its going to take centuries to trace the
    Ravi> bug. Also, you would end up searching for the valid tags, if
    Ravi> you do not follow different case conventions... yadayada
    Ravi> .. more goodies at htmlgoodies.com ... where I learnt my
    Ravi> html...

    Ravi> [snip]