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Re: Community and Movement
Y0 31337 d00dz (tm) -- (suresh ishtyle ;)
>>>>> "Udhay" == Udhay Shankar N <udhay@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
Udhay> <irony> <humor> <satire> <truth>
Udhay> </irony> </humor> </satire> </truth>
Nope. The right way to shut html tags are working backward.
For example, if you went,
<foo> <bar> <baz>
then you have to shut it like so,
</baz> </bar> </foo>
Again, there are very many guidelines/protocol to be
There *should* be only one (as few as possible) tags per
single line - they should be in all CAPS ..and appropriate indentation
should be done, too -- so that it looks like
blah blah blah
The rules are at www.htmlgoodies.com
Well, you *could* say, yeah, I could write the entire html
file in one line ... but the code would be _so_ freaking messy, that
if you miss *one* "/" somewhere, like say with a <B> bold </B> , your
entire document is going to look bold and its going to take centuries
to trace the bug. Also, you would end up searching for the valid tags,
if you do not follow different case conventions... yadayada .. more
goodies at htmlgoodies.com ... where I learnt my html...
The same goes with C, too -- this was atleast *one* cool
thing that happened -- though my profs in school weren't exactly
Kernighan/Ritchie incarnates, .. they knew where to point for extra
fundas, like the right textbooks .. and like indenting/commenting
appropriately so that your code becomes readable... the good old days
... :)
Ravikant K.Rao : http://www.symonds.net/~ravi/
Primary Email : <ravi@xxxxxxxxxxx> | PGP: 9544A4A1 GPG: 1024D/C2FC752D