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Community and Movement (Was Re: Formal Member Registration)

On Mon, May 29, 2000 at 03:09:52AM -0700, Biju Chacko wrote:
> I have to admit that I use Linux for the same reason, that and the fact
> that I dislike the way use of M$'s products (some of which are very
> good) limits my choices. I don't think all software should be GPLed. 

Having a common enemy helps people together ;) People who meet each
other in prisons, have a common enemy - the state. They have a cause
- social injustice. Are they a community ? I think they're too varied
in their backgrounds - some may be wife beaters, others murderers,
some innocents, some political prisoners.

> However, I think the moment I discussed how to inform people of Linux
> with other Linux users I became part of a "movement". It certainly
> wasn't a company, a corporation, a co-operative, an association or an
> organisation. What can you call it other than a "movement" or
> "community" ?

As long as the words are used in a loose sense, there is no problem. 
Community = group of people with a common interest. But these are 
also strong words (just as "freedom" is) and can be potentially

> I don't think being a part of the Linux community forces
> you to subscribe to the political views of the most vocal section of
> it.

Which is why, I'm a part of the Linux community, but not a part of the
Linux "community". And I continue to talk about these things, instead
of dropping out and shutting myself among a group of BSD users.

> I don't think rejecting the GPL forces one to reject the concept of
> community. The very fact that you posted your opinions to this list
> makes you a member of the very community you reject. If you think that
> the Linux Community is being hijacked by GPLites, stand up and
> represent those members (like me) who aren't interested in politics
> muddying technical issues. 

I don't have a problem with this paragraph :-) In the sense you 
describe here, I'm a part of the linux community.
