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Re: Fwd: Kylix Kickoff

Hi Atul,

When we do talk about the quality of Inprise's products I'll agree or
disagree with your completely irrelevant comments.  However, /this/
particular discussion was about Inprise's cluefulness, and I reiterate
what I said earlier: they don't have a clue about Linux or the
community.  Ref Swati's mail just now: she received 500KB worth of MS
Word documents as attachment from them.  Now why did I guess that
something like that would have happened?

You are welcome to push or use their products as much as you like --
it won't get you branded anything by the community, but it will raise
questions (at least in my mind) about the calibration of your
clue-o-meter :-)

Of course, if you're looking forward to martyrdom in the shape of
tarring, feathering and being run out of town on a rail, let me
know... the friends who are calling on Biju and Suresh would be glad
to oblige for a small fee.

*Grinning, ducking and running*


-- Raju

>>>>> "Atul" == Atul Chitnis <achitnis@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Atul> On Tue, 16 May 2000, Raju Mathur wrote:
    >> It'd be nice to see some evidence of that.  Anyone who wants to
    >> start off an invitation to Linux people by first getting them
    >> to sign an NDA sounds like a big-time lamer to me.  And I can
    >> bet the NDA which Udhay referred to was an MS attachment
    >> (Udhay?).  C'mon, now, wasn't it an
    >> application/x-another-proprietary-ms-format-so-scr*w-you-open-clutzes?
    >> ;)

    Atul> Uh, dunno about others, but I received my docs in HTML
    Atul> format. Want a copy?

    >> I'll believe they're clued in when they release some open
    >> source for Linux.  Until then they're just another punk company
    >> wanting to make money off the Linux bandwagon.

    Atul> Ugh, another one of those flamebaits that cause nothing but
    Atul> bad blood.

    Atul> Not being OpenSource does not mean a product is bad. And
    Atul> being OpenSOurce does not make a product good.

    Atul> I for one have no objections to using products that work
    Atul> well, are priced free to reasonable, and are well
    Atul> supported. M$ products match none of the above, Borland
    Atul> products do.

    Atul> But of course by saying this, I immediately become a Linux
    Atul> outcast, to be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a
    Atul> rail, because *that* is the Linux way.

    Atul> (sigh)

    Atul> Atul