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Re: RE: [LIH] rm -rf /

At 01:46 PM 4/25/00 +0530, Ramasubramanian, Suresh wrote:
You forgot to add "logged in as root" :)


> Once upon a time, someone (an obvious spammer) asked on comp.mail.pine
> how to send thousands of emails at the same time. One very kind soul
> gave the answer as exactly above.  The explanation given was,
> rm  = random mail
> -rf = really fast!
> *   = Find all addresses from all files on the computer (look around in
>       network if necessary).

On the late lamented ECTC BBS, some clueless newbie once asked what "http://www.whatever"; meant. The answer, IIRC, was

"http" is "how to take printouts"
the other charatcters are for formatting
"www" is "whenever we want"

so, the string stands for "how to take printouts whenever we want".


"Linus ? whose that" (sic) -- clueless newbie on #linux