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[Administrative] The Great Renaming


The Great Renaming that was discussed here earlier is happening.

What has happened so far:

1. Four new mailing lists have been created using majordomo2
in the lists.linux-india.org server:  linux-india-advocacy,
linux-india-general, linux-india-help and linux-india-programmers

2. The subscribers to the old linux-india-general mailing list
have been moved to the new linux-india-general mailing list.

3. Subscriptions to all the lists have been opened.  Start
subscribing to the ones you are interested in.

4. All four mailing lists have digest modes.  mj2 deals with digests
differently.  Digests are not treated as seperate lists.  You have
to first subscribe to the main mailing list and then set the
receiving mode to digests.

Roadmap of things that will happen in the near future:

1. The http://lists.linux-india.org/ website is going to be beefed
up with more relevant information.

2. In a week's time the LI mailing list will be switched off.
A note informing folks about this will be mailed out.
After LI is switched off the subscribers to LI and LID will be
moved to the LI-help mailing list.

3. Archving of the lists is happening right now.  A searchanble
web interface needs to get built.

List Admin
"If there were any justice, my face would be on a bunch of crappy
                 merchandise" -- Homer J. Simpson