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Re: [LI] Message from RMS.

>>>>> "Atul" == Atul Chitnis <achitnis@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Atul> On Sat, 4 Dec 1999, Raj Mathur wrote:
    >> Atul, stop trying to hide behind paper screens.  You
    >> deliberately brought in an attack on RMS and the GPL with one
    >> para about Ragoo at the end, and now you claim that you were
    >> talking about Ragoo all the time?  Wow, that's a cool one!  If
    >> you want to talk about the GPL and RMS, be a man and admit to
    >> your statements.  In other words, put up or

    Atul> I'll do the wise thing - I'll simply let you guys feel you
    Atul> are right, and that I am wrong. It gives *you* the
    Atul> satisfaction you are seeking, and gives *me* the
    Atul> satisfaction of knowing that I know what I was talking
    Atul> about, and that my viewpoint remains unchanged.

In other words, you admit the folly of your ways :-) Great, I'm glad
someone saw the light because of me!

    Atul> [snip]
    Atul> p.s. As for my BBS software and the source code - could we
    Atul> get real here?  I wrote that software in 1987, long before
    Atul> I, you or anyone else here had ever heard of Linux (for
    Atul> obvious reasons). And it was never a GPL'd product, just
    Atul> like the Irix never was. Bring that up as a debate point is,
    Atul> to say the least, childish.

It's never too late to GPL.  The excuses you give for not GPL'ing a
software which is completely your product (IRIX has source from over
100 different companies in it) could be subject to the same adverb
that you are using :-)

-- Raju