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Re: [LI] Message from RMS.

On Sat, 4 Dec 1999, Raj Mathur wrote:

> Atul, stop trying to hide behind paper screens.  You deliberately
> brought in an attack on RMS and the GPL with one para about Ragoo at
> the end, and now you claim that you were talking about Ragoo all the
> time?  Wow, that's a cool one!  If you want to talk about the GPL and
> RMS, be a man and admit to your statements.  In other words, put up or

I'll do the wise thing - I'll simply let you guys feel you are right, and
that I am wrong. It gives *you* the satisfaction you are seeking, and
gives *me* the satisfaction of knowing that I know what I was talking
about, and that my viewpoint remains unchanged. 

All you will have achieved is making me shut up for the sake of the sanity
of this list (which Sabir has already argued), and which was my original
intention anyway.

I know that this is a sad way of ending it, but it *does* give me the
satisfaction of knowing that you can do nothing about it.


p.s. As for my BBS software and the source code - could we get real here?
I wrote that software in 1987, long before I, you or anyone else here had
ever heard of Linux (for obvious reasons). And it was never a GPL'd
product, just like the Irix never was. Bring that up as a debate point is,
to say the least, childish.