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Re: LI traffic and a proposal

>>"Atul" == Atul Chitnis <achitnis@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

 Atul> I therefore have the following proposal:

 Atul> 1. Make the main LI list a read-only announcement-only list, used for
 Atul>    posting LI organisational news, briefs, FAQs, summaries, etc.

        That's one way to enforce the split (a trifle heavy handed,
 but I agree that this may well be required).

 Atul> 2. Create several new lists, making sure that the names are descriptive   
 Atul>    enough to ensure that people post to the right
 Atul>    list. Suggestions are linux-india-technical,
 Atul>    linux-india-business, linux-india-advocacy, etc.

        Deciding the focus and charter of the new lists is critical to
 the success of this. To those of you who have been through the great
 usenet renaming (circa '86, IIRC), that is what took the longest

        Consider: if you make the topics too narrow, and people are
 interested in several, or all, then the volume of mail does not
 really decrease -- one just has to subscribe to most mailing lists.
 And people cross-post to reach all the potential target audience. 

        But I agree with Atul that this _has_ to be done. A monolithic
 list is fast reaching the point of failing under its own weight.  We
 just need to determine what the interests of the list membership is
 (hmm, possibly a poll on what interests the members?)

        Speaking from the Debian mailing list experience, it does make
 it easier to selectively reduce ones involvement when there are a
 large number of lists -- one just drops the ones one is most willing
 to live without. Debian has achieved a distint enough split (though
 we did it at a lower granularity than some like) that there is only a
 handful of low volumew lists that everyone is subscribed to.

        May I suggest that there be a (possibly moderated) announce
 list that members have posting priviledges on to reach most of the
 membership? Providing that proactively cuts down on massive
 cross-posts a lot (I was just trying to reach everyone ....)

 The wise man seeks everything in himself; the ignorant man tries to
 get everything from somebody else.
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@xxxxxxxxxx>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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