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Re: LI traffic and a proposal

On Wed, Dec 01, 1999 at 07:22:29PM +0530, Atul Chitnis wrote:
> I therefore have the following proposal:
> 1. Make the main LI list a read-only announcement-only list, used for
>    posting LI organisational news, briefs, FAQs, summaries, etc.
> 2. Create several new lists, making sure that the names are descriptive   
>    enough to ensure that people post to the right list. Suggestions are 
>    linux-india-technical, linux-india-business, linux-india-advocacy, etc.
> 3. Bring the "other" lists (such as linux-india-programming) into the fold
>    of lists.linux-india.org.

Whatever you do, make sure that subscribing to the list is idiot proof.
Then there is the other school of thought - if the newbie is clueless
enough to screw up badly on subscribing to the right list and observing
etiquette, he's not worth helping.

The reason why the split didn't work very well last time around was that
it was very hard to get people to subscribe to anything other than 
