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original ILUG-D site - revisited

Hi Nishi,

I must say your site looks great.  I personally am not too keen on
having multiple sites, so is there any way you can be convinced to
work on the PHPNuke site and enhance that with all the lovely stuff
you've done on your site?

We really need a Linux-Delhi-specific theme (like the one you're using
on your site) and a ``Meet the Member'' box would also be great.  I
know you're a Perl person (like me) and not a PHP one, but would you
be interested in coding up these two for the site?


-- Raju

>>>>> "Nishi" == Nishikant Kapoor <nkapoor@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Nishi> All, First of all, kudos to Sandip B. for a woderful job of
    Nishi> nuking ILUG-D.  Keep up the good work, Sandip !

    Nishi> And now, let me share a few thoughts. About a month back,
    Nishi> when Sunny Holani left for Calcutta to pursue his studies,
    Nishi> I volunteered to maintain ILUG-D. Well, I did have a rough
    Nishi> sketch of what I wanted to do with the site but honestly,
    Nishi> it was not even close to what we have right now
    Nishi> (Nuked). Really, PHP-Nuke is amazing. I had no idea that
    Nishi> such an interactive web portal could be implemented in a
    Nishi> couple of days. Anyway, to cut the long story short, I had
    Nishi> been working on ILUG-D site which is somewhat ready for
    Nishi> your feedback. Like I said, it is not in contention with
    Nishi> the Nuked site in any way, shape or form but just because,
    Nishi> I have invested some time and effort into it, it only makes
    Nishi> sense to share it with you all. Its available at
    Nishi> http://www.wpaa.org/memberInfo/ . It looks better in NS.

    Nishi> Having said that, why can't ILUG-D have more than one web
    Nishi> site ? Just wondering :-)
Raju Mathur          raju@xxxxxxxxxxxxx           http://kandalaya.org/