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original ILUG-D site - revisited


First of all, kudos to Sandip B. for a woderful job of nuking ILUG-D.
Keep up the good work, Sandip !

And now, let me share a few thoughts. About a month back, when Sunny
Holani left for Calcutta to pursue his studies, I volunteered to
maintain ILUG-D. Well, I did have a rough sketch of what I wanted to do
with the site but honestly, it was not even close to what we have right
now (Nuked). Really, PHP-Nuke is amazing. I had no idea that such an
interactive web portal could be implemented in a couple of days. Anyway,
to cut the long story short, I had been working on ILUG-D site which is
somewhat ready for your feedback. Like I said, it is not in contention
with the Nuked site in any way, shape or form but just because, I have
invested some time and effort into it, it only makes sense to share it
with you all. Its available at http://www.wpaa.org/memberInfo/ . It
looks better in NS.

Having said that, why can't ILUG-D have more than one web site ? Just
wondering :-)
