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Real Player in Netscape
Hi all,
One of my friend also has the same problem. He is not
able to use real player with netscape.
Here is his problem:
I need to configure a Linux and Solaris machine as a
client to browse a site that uses RA files inside
embed tags in HTML pages to enable a user to hear
audio. Real offers a plugin for both the required
platforms to be used for Netscape 6 also. I have
performed all the steps mentioned regading manual
configuration of Mime types. This works in Netscape
4.7 but not on Netscape 6.
Has any one tried doing this? Does this work? Is there
some document that lists the steps or lists that it
will not work.
thanx for the reply folks, but my problem is deeper
now, i can connect to
the internet, download the pluging, install it,
and even then it doesn't work.
i tried registering them manually, downloaded latest
version of netscape
(netscape 6.1)...
latest version of real player (rp8) for linux, but it
doesn't seem to wrok..
how can i view real player files in netscape 6.1, any
pointers ...
Raj ??
: Hi all,
: I have Netscape 6 on my machine not
connected to the net. When i
: to view real player files in it, it asks me to
download them, which i
: cannot. I downloaded teh pluging on some other
machine, ftped it to this
: machine, and installed it. So now the plugin is
there, netscape is there,
: but its not registered to handle real player files.
I tried registering it
: using Helper applications option, but it says plugin
already registered,
: body got any ideas , how do i view real player files
in netscape 6
: thanx
: -js
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