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Re: Bus Error ?

Hi Nikhil,

Bus errors are very platform specific.  Usually it is a result of
violating some memory alignment rules.  Like a 'double' must start on
an address which is multiple of 8, etc.

Could it be that you are running an -i686 or SSE optimized package on
an AMD or something like that?

Or maybe you could find out the program causing bus error.  Is it
bash/su or is it some other program mentioned in ~root/.bash_logout?
Bus errors normally generate core dumps unless you have disabled core
dumps altogether.  They could provide some additional information.

If all that fails, remember, strace -f is your best friend :)


>>>>> "Nikhil" == Nikhil Datta <nikhild@xxxxxxx> writes:

    Nikhil> what exactly is a bus error? I searched, and only came up
    Nikhil> with some generic explanations of what a bus error is.
    Nikhil> Last night I 'tightened' security on my system (RH 7.0)
    Nikhil> using the beta Bastille Linux. Now, each time I su to
    Nikhil> root, and then logout, I get "Bus Error" at the prompt
    Nikhil> . Everything works exactly as documented : but for the
    Nikhil> error.

    Nikhil> This has started from the *next reboot* after installing
    Nikhil> bastille.

    Nikhil> Any clues ?

    Nikhil> nikk

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