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Re: ilugd is shutting down

If it was actually our dear Raju,  there would have been a VM/Xemacs
header in the mail. :) ;)

Whoever it is, nice try !  

BTW, you logged on to mantraonline, and sent mail at Thu, 26 Apr 2001
04:49:34 -0400.  Your IP was  It won't be difficult to
track you down, buddy.


>>>>> "raju" == raju  <raju@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    raju> I am sorry to announce the ilugd is being forced to shutdown
    raju> by court order due to a complaint lodged by Microsoft(Delhi
    raju> to be specific). They claim that we have deliberately marred
    raju> their name and have resorted to illegal means to discourace
    raju> people from using microsoft products..  for the full and
    raju> official document visit the linux-india site.
    raju> www.linux-india.org/news/latest/index.html

    raju> sorry guys... this list will be shutdown soon. at least
    raju> temporarily till the case gets to court.

    raju> --Raju

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