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Re: samba? ; Attn: Dear List Admin

Hi Pankaj,

My responses under...

>>>>> "Pankaj" == Pankaj Kaushal <apenguinhead@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Pankaj> On Mon, Mar 05, 2001 at 08:58:10PM +0530, Harshal Vaidya
    Pankaj> (CTS) wrote:
    >> [snip]

    Pankaj> Please remove the following message from your mails if you
    Pankaj> can not please use some other way to mail to this list
    Pankaj> This is my last request to you and if I see more message
    Pankaj> with this note I will opt for alt.animal.husbandry
    Pankaj> treatment for you.

I've already written to Harshal about this.

    >> This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are for the sole
    >> use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential
    >> and privileged information.  If you are not the intended
    >> recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and
    >> destroy all copies of the original message. Any unauthorised
    >> review, use, disclosure, dissemination, forwarding, printing or
    >> copying of this email or any action taken in reliance on this
    >> e-mail is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.  Visit us at
    >> http://www.cognizant.com
    Pankaj> Dear list Admin as you can clearly see this type of
    Pankaj> message is not in the spirit of free software. Do you
    Pankaj> think person with such a mind frame should even be allowed
    Pankaj> to be on the mailing list let alone ask questions and get
    Pankaj> answers.

My personal reading is that it's not Harshal but his mail server who
attaches the disclaimer to each outgoing message -- I could be wrong,
of course.

    Pankaj> Mr List Admin is ther a way to ignore or not get messages
    Pankaj> from someone Pls let me know if mojordomo provides
    Pankaj> somethin

Working on it.

    Pankaj> Mr CTS If I see more of such messages I will definitely do
    Pankaj> somethig about it because you solely are the cause for the
    Pankaj> recent flame war's. And still you continue to flash your
    Pankaj> stupid signature.

Relax, the situation is under control.  You don't need to bash each
and every violator of list protocols -- I'm there to do that.
Advantage: I get the blame and you can continue being Mr Nice Guy ;-)

    Pankaj> ---end quoted text---


-- Raju
Raju Mathur          raju@xxxxxxxxxxxxx           http://kandalaya.org/