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Dyn IP funda (was Re: phpised voting...)
Prabhu Ramachandran writes:
> hi,
> Looked at the PHP ballot box at chennailug. Looks nice but as Suraj
> pointed a user can keep voting. Maybe, you could store a cookie on
> the user's machine that tells you that the user has voted for the
> particular issue (each issue can be numbered). Ofcourse, the user can
> go and delete all cookies but this is atleast a small deterrent. The
> user could also vote from elsewhere. Or you could look at the IP? I
> think slashdot does this.
Cookie? That would be, as srini says, someone's-watching-me kind of thing that
not every one likes.
Yup, now its all fixed. The script logs the IP of the person who uses it. but
wont it create a chance of getting-left-out for dialup users? For example:
user A votes. Now his IP would be logged. After this guy A disconnects and
another user B dials into the same ISP and if B gets the same IP that A got,
he is definitely going to be denied by this script to vote.
How can we tackle this?
one way is to ask the user to submit his mail address along with his vote so
that the vote corresponding to this mail address can be added. Of course this
again assumes a *good* user who is loyal to the LUG and uses only his mail-id
and not that of his fellow luggies (-:
Now I have 2 ideas and 1 question:
* Prabhu gives me the members list so that I can put it in a db on
chennailug.org. And whenever a new member is subscribed, listar -somehow-
execs a php script on chennailug.org and updates the db there.
* Prabhu runs a db in aero.iitm.ernet.in (i know prabhu will reply 'already
there are a lot of things running on aero, so thats not possible' (-; ) and the
script on chlug will use this remote db.
But in both cases we have chances of a user A voting with the email of
someother user. So we may have to use a passwd which lets the user
authenticate. Authenticate for Voting? this sounds funny, right? maybe if we get
time during tomorrow's meet we can talk about this. (-:
Now for the questions:
Can listar be made to update some remote db (mySQL,etc.,) (or call a url)
when a new user is subscribed and ask it to use this db than whatever it
uses for its routine?
> Suraj, how about the tentetive/confirmed thing? I see am orange light
> but that is not enough. :)
Yes... that orange light is removed (-: lol. sorry dude... most prolly we
have to think of something else other than a mere light (-:. This light may
catch the user's attention for GUI browsers but what bout lynx? Though, I had
put an alt expansion as ")-: unsure" so that it appears as
")-: unsure Next Meet", I think there should be more to this.
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--De Vries
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