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Re: Web Interface for POP3 server on Linux?

-> i will modify the subject line slightly - need web interface to access
-> mail from a linux server a-la-hotmail. we have a desparate need for such a

	Do you mean something like https://mail.symonds.net/
	symonds.net is itself a potato machine. And mail.symonds.net is just the same machine.

-> netbula. seems ok. there is also a local commercial product (based on perl

	The Secure Web Interface to symonds.net email is also a bunch of perl scripts, by bjorn@ , among other people, AFAIK

-> got to try out enmail on a linux box - unfortunately, it seemed to support
-> only ie and not netscape. since a large fraction of users of the other os

	These scripts that I mentioned above are not limited by this. I have seen so, myself.

-> that supports ssl or some such security device so that one can access mail

	httpS://mail.symonds.net/  -- Infact, http:// will not (should not) work. :)

	What I would recommend is this: E-mail mark@xxxxxxxxxxx asking if he would share with you, the information about how he got the mailing system up, and if he would give out those scripts, too. 

	Hope this helps.

Ravikant K.Rao | finger ravi@xxxxxxxxxxx for more details.
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