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IT.com (was Re: IT.com and an upset prabhu)


	Before anything, I apologize for the name calling during the
weekend.  I think I called us all "lazy" or something.  Sorry!

	Folks who want to help out with the IT.com stuff please visit
www.linux-india.org and go to the Linux@xxxxxx link somewhere there.
There is a mailing list there (not high volume) that you could join
and help out on.

>>>>> "Suraj" == Suraj co in <suraj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Suraj> I'm ready to take up the job of designing Posters / Banners
    Suraj> for ILUGC (if needed). I'm sorry for the fact that I have
    Suraj> exams on the 4th. so I can't make it to IT.com. The only
    Suraj> way I can help is by using GIMP (-;

Please do as mentioned above.  I am sure your expertise with GIMP will
be highly appreciated.

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