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Re: IT.com and an upset prabhu


>>>>> "Prabhu" == Prabhu Ramachandran <prabhu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Prabhu> hi, So it appears that no one from here is really
    Prabhu> interested in IT.com.

	    Yeah - *so what* - Like you already said, *everyone*
doesn't *have* to want to shift from Windows -> Linux. Likewise,
every Linux User, doesn't *have* to want to participate in it.com -
BTW if you dont already know, a couple ilugc members are already going
for the thing. 

    Prabhu> constructive.  Since Ravikant wanted me to do something I
    Prabhu> am going to ask him to do something for once.  I guess you
    Prabhu> are on the mailing list.  At least you can summarize what
    Prabhu> needs to be done.  If someone has ideas on ilugc you can

	    Yup - I *am* going to do something after all ; I'm
unsubscribing - cc me if you want my attention (dont see why you
would, but just incase you do).

	    Have a nice day.


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