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ILUGC marketting


	Thanks for bringing this up.  I will be busy on the 21st of
October.  Dr. Sriram told me that both 21st and 28th are ok with him.
So it is up to you folks to decide.  I prefer the 28th of October.
Besides KDE release is delayed, so if it is on the 28th it may be
possible for me to burn the KDE debs...

	Mr. S. Gopinath is going to talk on SNMP.  I dont know for how
long.  There is nothing else on the agenda for the moment.  Maybe a
demo of RH 7.0?  Anyone??  It doesnt look all that bad and has quite a
few useful additions.


>>>>> "Suraj" == Suraj co in <suraj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Suraj> Hi all, What happenned to the newspaper announcement
    Suraj> (engagements) of our next meet?  Who's gonna do it? What
    Suraj> agenda? (SNMP?). It would be better if we plan and inform
    Suraj> the NPs at least a week in advance.
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