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Re: Suggest good mailing list server

Prabhu Ramachandran proclaimed:
>         BTW debian 2.2. ships with listar (apart from other mailing
> list managers).  What does Thaths mailing lists on?  Majordomo??

Majordomo 1.9x had a really crappy license.  That is why majordomo 1 was
under non-free in Debian 2.1  The license forbade (forbidded? ;-) Debian
from patching mj.  Patching to even remove severe security problems was not
permitted.  That is why Debian dropped mj1 from potato.

I have volunteered to get mj2 packaged for woody.  mj2 not only comes with
a free license (Apache-ish license) but also is waaay ahead in terms of

As for lists.linux-india.org, it runs on mj2.

"[muttering] Ow, ow, stupid trash, rotten, stinky, hate world, revenge
       soon, take out on everyone..." -- Homer J. Simpson
Sudhakar C13n    http://www.aunet.org/thaths/    Lead Indentured Slave
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