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Re: What is original idea/concept in Linux

Hello All

 Linux the Hack

Linux the hack is the orignal hack which demonstrated the power of what
the Open Source development and development through the internet can do
to the software industry of the world. It was a manifestation and
demonstration in what small open source projects when packaged can do.

There is not many things in Linux is Linux Specific . Same is the case
with every thing human makes, its derived from his/her previous
experiences. The spectacle of a full fledged Operating system without
royalties and immense possibilities is what Linux brought about.

* We are all waiting for Hurd. Thanx to the power and reacceptance of
Linux. We know what the Hurd can do http://www.debian.org/hurd
* Free BSD and other flavours of BSD started to be sampled by new Linux
users to extend the power of Unix Software
* Other softwares which took the lime light like Apache, Samba were
poularised with the usage of Linux.

In short Linux pulled the hack of our times and bringing back Unix. It
formed the *mother-ship* for various Open Sourced project s to show the

Finally this OS what we know as
>From the Internet
Of the Internet
For the Internet


Zameer Ahmed

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