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Re: Meeting tommorow or on 23rd? Please vote!


On Fri, Sep 15, 2000 at 04:39:39PM +0530, Prabhu Ramachandran wrote:
> Dear Luggies,
> 	We have a problem.  Maneesh Bomb has postponed his tickets to

	Houston, We have a problem?!  ;-)

> attend the meeting on the 16th of this month.  He will not be able to
> attend the meeting on the 23rd.  Two others (Suraj and Ravikant) have
> requested that the meeting be held on the 16th.  I am unable to decide

	*I* personally requested 23rd, not 16th - I think thats a typo in
there, in Prabhu's email? 

> choice, (tommorow or 23rd), ASAP.  I will wait till 9:00AM tomorrow
> (or is that too late?) and then use the results to decide.

	Personally, I dont think its "too late" -For the 20 something of
us that attend the meets, we are pretty regular about it, *and* all of us
do infact have pretty okay net access. (or dont we?)

> p.s. If Ravi or Suraj do not mind if we have the meeting tommorow
> please let me know ASAP.

	Nice try, but no dice ;) me thinks I am gonna play dirty by
subscribing some email aliases to ilugc now, and vote for them, for the
23rd - Suraj: *wink* *wink*

	-ravi "got his own openbsd tee-shirt" rao

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