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Re: Apache Redirect Qn

Oommen Thomas proclaimed:
> I have a qn regarding Redirect in Apache.
> Looks like this is possible using mod_rewrite, but the docs doesnt give a
> directy answer to my problem.
> I have a webserver now with www.companyname.com.
> Also I have secure content there going to
> https://www.companyname.com/directory/...
> We plan to split the homepage (insecure) contents and the secure stuff
> onto two separate servers and use the same Verisign cert.
> What we need is to have a new server have the www.companyname.com DNS
> entry and the Apache on that have a redirect for /diretory to
> oldseverIP/directory, with the Verisign ceret working properly. As
> Verisign cert is in the name of www.companyname.com, I dont want to use
> oldservernewname.company.com in the redirect, as the browser might display
> a warning, the SSL cert being in the name of www.companyname.com.

I am sorry.  I don't completely understand ur (God!  All that irc-ing is
doing terrible things to my spelling. ;-) question.  You can have both the
secure and the insecure server running on the same machine
www.companyname.com  The insecure one serves content via http on port 80
and the secure one serves content via https on port 443.

Use mod_rewrite to do the redirection to https://www.companyname.com/.

Homer: Mel Gibson is just a guy Marge, no different than me or Lenny.
Marge: Were you or Lenny ever named Sexiest Man Alive?
Homer: Hmmm, I'm not certain about Lenny ...
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