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forwarded message from Sanjeev Gupta
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From: Sanjeev Gupta <ghane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: prabhu@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: The Linux Counter Project
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 22:48:36 -0500
MIME-Version: 1.0
Dear Prabhu Ramachandran,
I am contacting you, because you are the listed coordinator of the
local ILUG chapter.
I would appreciate your circulating to your local members, information
about the Linux Counter Project, http://counter.li.org. The Counter
is a non-profit organization which attempts to gather information
about the number of Linux users worldwide. The information
collected is minimal, and used only for statistics. There are
no benefits to users for registering.
You can see the current status of registrations at
I would appreciate your circulating this on your local mailing list, as
well as linking to the Counter from your Web Site.
Please do contact me for clarifications.
-- Sanjeev Gupta
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