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Re: Formal(?) Agenda for chennailug - LONG


	My response - No.  I like it the way it is -- informal and
casual.  I am not for spreading the message of linux.  I am thru
evangelising.  If people are interested they are welcome.  If not
fine.  Evangelising involves _far_ more responsibility, far more
work.  This is more than I can do.  If at all this sort of thing
happens I would most probably stop doing what little I do now.

>>>>> "Sankar" == SANKAR K <krisan@xxxxxxx> writes:

    Sankar> There are a few enthusiasts who want to give Linux a try
    Sankar> but have starting problems.  In my own case, I could never
    Sankar> get it straight.  May be Chennailug can identify a batch
    Sankar> of volunteers who will visit us at home and help us out.

	Next to impossible!  I for one will certainly not volunteer
for such work.  Part of the linux experience is doing things by
yourself.  Most of the senior users who are not comp sci guys have
learnt it the hard way.  The hard way has its benefits.  Most
importantly it trains you to take care of things yourself, without
having to depend on any one else.

	Just think!  There are almost 100 people on this list. Yet,
how many of us actually help?  How many are mere passive listeners?  I
will give you one example of the numbers we are talking about.  During
the recent PCQ expo. How many of the users _actually_ turned up to
setup the boxes, and help out before the event?  A handfull.  Part of
the guys were from Lateral and part from OS4.  Only a handfull of
_real_ volunteers (with absolutely no commercial commitments) came to
help.  I admit that some people had other serious commitments.
Expecting these few guys to take up more and more responsibility is
not fair.  I dont think this kind of support is provided by even
commercial companies why on earth do you expect already overloaded
voluteers to take up such tasks?

    Sankar> To start with, I seek help from any one who has time and

	Almost no one today has that kind of time. :)

    Sankar> patience to set my Linux in place. Right now it is a real
    Sankar> mess.  I live in Srinagar Colony, Saidapet.  My email is
    Sankar> krisan@xxxxxxx

	Ever tried posting to the list with your problems?  I may be
wrong but I doubt you have and dont seem to recall a single post from

  It was so of old, Atula. It is not just so today. They criticise him who
  sits in silence, they criticise him who talks a lot. They even criticise
  him who speaks in moderation. There is not a man in the world who is not
  criticised. 227
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