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some doubts on qmail

i have a couple of questions:
1. The following is the assign file i have. here the first field is the mail
address, 2nd user name(linux
     my problem is i am able to recieve mails sent to both the linux user
and the mailaddress (in my
    case madhav@xxxxxxxxxxxx and msp@xxxxxxxxxxxx). whereas i want to
recieve mails
    addressed to madhav only (ie those addressed to mail addresses only).

    [root@server1 users]# cat /var/qmail/users/assign
    [root@server1 users]#

2. my mail clients will be accessing mails only through pop and smtp for
receiving and sending mails.     for every mail user is it mandatory to
create a linux user? i actually have about 350 users using         mails in
my domain(proposed) that would mean i have to create 350 linux users and in
their             home directories i have to create a Maildir. is there any
way by which i can overcome this?

Thanks in advance

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