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>>>>> "Deiva" == D Balakrishnan <dnayak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Deiva> Hi!  I want to get reiserfs working in my system.  I
    Deiva> downloaded the 2.2.13 and 2.2.14 patch for kernel. It take
    Deiva> a lot of time when i give the command

    Deiva> /usr/src/linux-2.2.12/include/linux> patch -p0
    Deiva> /root/downloads/patch-2.2.13

cd /usr/src/
ls -sf linux-2.2.12 linux
less linux/README

if patch is gziped:
	gzip -cd patchXX.gz | patch -p0
elif patch is bzipped:
	bzip2 -dc patchXX.bz2 | patch -p0
elif patch is plain text:
	patch -p0 < patchXX

    Deiva> Reply at the earliest.

	Is that an order? ;-)

    Deiva> What about this month meeting. I have to put in the
    Deiva> website. I expect more visitor ro the website for the
    Deiva> information on date, time and place of the next meeting. Is
    Deiva> it 15th or 22nd.

	15th is fine by me. so is 22nd.

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