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	Since no one has replied.  Here goes.

>>>>> "Bhaskar" == B Tech <Bhaskar> writes:

    Bhaskar> dear members, I would like to know if it would be
    Bhaskar> possible to conduct a linux workshop during
    Bhaskar> Shaastra(March 9th-March 12th).It would be of great help
    Bhaskar> to a lot of people who use linux but are not comfortable
    Bhaskar> with it or who want to work in linux but don't know where
    Bhaskar> to start.  Can you kindly let me know if it possible for
    Bhaskar> a Workshop to be conducted during this period(March 9th
    Bhaskar> to 12th)?Also who should i contact in case it is possible
    Bhaskar> for a workshop to be setup ?  Thanking you, yours
    Bhaskar> sincerely, bhaskar ee97227@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
	By all means conduct a workshop, but are you expecting us to
do it?  If that be the case then in my humble opinion it most probably
will not happen.  Ilugc is as far as I know is merely group of people
who are interested in and use linux.  We meet regularly, help each
other out and if there is a great need (like the Linux demo day
effort) make up a show.  Since most members are extremely busy with
their own jobs, it is impossible to organise something as involved as
a workshop on linux.  If on the other hand important people, like
people responsible for linux development in India, companies dedicated
to Open Source solutions and people like Prof. Sriram decide to put
their might (as Future Focus Infotech did for the LDD) behind the
show, it will surely get help and shape from the members of ilugc.  I
do not know of the views of those people about hosting a workshop
during Shaastra though.  I also do not know (inspite of being in IITM
for 6.5 years) what Shaastra is all about.

	However those interested in linux are most welcome to join
ilugc, attend the meetings and avail of any help that is given to
them.  That apart I dont see it possible for us to conduct workshops
to educate people about linux.  If people are really interested in
linux there is a large amount of literature available on the net.
Infact, information on linux should available on any linux machine!
There are tons of sites on the net where you could get any kind of
information.  I believe some of the most important sites should be
listed on our web page (and if they are not please direct your ire at
the webmaster! ;)  at www.chennailug.org .

	You must also remember that 99% of the fun of learning linux
is lost if someone were to spoon feed you into it.

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