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Re: Installing from CDROM on another machine...

Deivanayak T Balakrishnan forced the electrons to say:
> to try installing linux using NFS - but i am not able to get it working. Any
> body could give me some ideas on doing a network install - i.e from CDROM in
> another machine.


Here is the step by step instruction set I had posted on Linux-India
some time ago (This is for installation via anonymous FTP):

1. On the machine with CD drive, call it machine A, enable anonymous FTP.
2. Make the directory /home/ftp/pub
3. Mount the RH CD there - ie, with the command
mount -t iso9660 /dev/hdc /home/ftp/pub
(replace hdc with your CD device).
4. Copy the file /home/ftp/pub/instimgs/bootnet.img onto a _fresh_ floppy
dd if=/home/ftp/pub/redHat/instimgs/bootnet.img of=/dev/fd0
5. Use this floppy to boot the machine without CD drive - let us say machine
6. It will ask for IP address and nameserver information. I had used DHCP.
7. Give the IP address of machine A and /pub as the directory when asked for
the FTP server's details.
8. Continue with the installation.

For NFS install, add an entry for the CD mount point /etc/exports. The line
should look like:

/home/ftp/pub <other machine's name>(rw)

It is better to run named on machine A (or you could use IP addresses).

Note that this method of installation is recommended only over ethernet
because of the tremendous load it puts on the network. In particular, don't
even dream of trying it over PPP. I had checked netstat -A inet on machine A,
and there were about 50 FTP connections at any given time (even though many
were in FIN_WAIT1 state).


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