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Re: pardon me !

> why cant we come on to a chat server or
> atleast ICQ ??

Heh Glad to note that there is one more person pro-IRC ,....

  The above things were discussed amicably at the meeting [ which you didnt
attend :( ] ...
  Tell you what... here's my argument, and anyone else in the list might put
in their own to add to it...
  First off ... ICQ Chat will NOT work out because it truly sucks in the
sense of the word.... ICQ itself was developed to be a one-to-one messaging
software , to replace the cumbersome process of writing loooong emails to
friends / near and dear ones .... its I- Seek - YOU ... not .. I seek
humanity ;) ...
  The privileges for using a multi user chat based ICQ system wont come
through and to a novice at IRC ... its going to be endlessly painful ....
  On my experience , I would think a 24/24 IRC room dedicated to Linux -
Worldwide... But also for the users of ilugc .... This can be arranged the
way the list wants it ... we could have #Linux-Chennai and #Linux-India and
#Linux itself ... but Looking at a room like #Computer-talk on the TalkCity
server ... I would think just one room called #Linux would suffice ... Its
no problem to run more rooms though..
  We could have a 'bot' - ROBOT - that stays in all the Linux Rooms which
could be user friendly like give out 'useful' URLS/Links such as
metalab.unc.edu etc ... and it could be made dynamic in that authorized
users/ everyone could add their URLs to this ....
  We are not allowed to run 24/24  bots on most servers including
TalkCity... hence the alternative is to go for a private server which doesnt
mind this....
  In this respect ... I could help if you want me to ... I'm pretty
experienced with IRC itself being a Server Admin for 6 months now and I am
Assistant head of a Private Forum as well - on Talkcity - and so on ...
  we could go to :

 1]  chat.canadaeh.ca - ports 6665-7002 ... This is a Canada Server and
those of you that are wondering about #CanadaEH people on Talkcity about 4
months back....Yes! It is the same people that are running their own server
....We wont have much power in here but I know the owner of the Network very
well ... and trust me they are a *REALLY* professional group... check out
their webpage to get what I mean ;]
Our best bet because they're here to stay and they're nice people ....would
welcome new traffic and hence we would be welcomed pretty nicely.... I could
talk out arrangements of List Admin would want me to ...
2 ] currently xirc.dyndns.org - I'm Server Admin there ... and life would be
*VERY* easy in here .. 'cause we could do what we wanted to since its a
private server belonging to my friend in the US ... Its running on a 48 GIG
stacked HDD  over a T3 Line at the moment 24/24 ... soon to move to a T2
...can take 10,000 connections currently , web based chat , chat clients
like mIRC , Pirch , xchat etc ...  and I could go on all day about the
current setup of the server ... but I am not too sure people want to be
spammed ... if you're *REALLY* interested in the configuration of
xirc.dyndns.org - soon to go to xirc.com  - e-mail me and i'll write back
personally...suffice it here for me to tell you that its more than
sufficient for our needs.

  Note that this would require moderate amount of work to be done ... like
writing up scripts for the Linux HelpBot ... and talking out to Server
Admins etc.... and Let me tell you that I will NOT do it alone... if there's
some guy(s) willing to help ... with/without experience... i'll go right
ahead once the list admin approves of our own room ....
 - Ravi.
