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Re: Need help for printer Configuration

Lateral Software Technologies proclaimed:
> I have a HP 2100 M Printer. It is connected to a RH 5.2 server.
> When I try Printing from the local machine it prints fine. But
> when I print from a remote  machine it says it has queed but 
> nothing is cominig out at the other end. Can any one Explain me
> How to Configure Remote Printer in the client and What should I 
> do at the server side where I have the actual Printer.

Let us say you have the printer ('Dogmatix') connected to machine Asterix. 
Let us also assume that you are trying to print to Dogmatix from remote
machine Obelix.  Since you are able to print to Dogmatix from Asterix, the
printer daemon (lpd) seems to be running just fine.

The problem seems to be the /etc/printcap entry on machine Obelix.  Read
the printcap manpage (don't trust crappy GUIs to set things up for you) for
information on how to set up an entry for remote printers.

Alternatively, you can just use rlpr
(http://sherilyn.ne.mediaone.net/~meem/rlpr/).  This way, you only have to
worry about the /etc/printcap entry in machine 'asterix'.

You would call it like so:

$ rlpr --printer=Dogmatix@Asterix foo.txt

"It all happened at the beginning of that turbulent decade known as the
Eighties.  Those were idealistic days: the candidacy of John Anderson,
    the rise of Supertramp.  It was an exciting time to be young."
                     -- Homer J. Simpson
Sudhakar C13n http://people.netscape.com/thaths/ Lead Indentured Slave
