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Re: Re: debugging cc

At 11/26/00 11:55:00 PM, you wrote:
>do a cc -g myprog.c

i want to see how cc actually compiles this program , not how myprog.c 's executable runs

>On Sun, 26 Nov 2000, Ð ë ê þ ã K wrote:
>> hi
>> i want to see the  " cc myprog.c  "  being debugged . i did   gdb  cc  and then set the args as 
>> myprog.c  . but setting a breakpoint to main isn't working,  nor break 1  .  using  run   
>> complies the program how to 
>> interrupt in btw to see what exactly cc is doing.

reply soon

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have a great day 
ICQ 30662394

-- Consultant:  Someone who knowns 101 ways to make love, but can't get a date.