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[LI] staroffice?

   Does anybody in Bangalore, preferably in Malleswaram or IISC, have a
copy of staroffice 5.1, (sun version or otherwise) on a CD? If you do,
please contact me (the address above or rbsrao@xxxxxxxxxxx). Can anyone
direct mail me a link to a site giving details on how to use ncurses, as
substitue for conio.h(of Turbo c).I read the man-page, but it wasn't that
help full.

   PCQ RH 5.2 distrabution has an ncurses3 option during package
installation. However, by default, Ncurses4 is already installed. Whats
the difference in the versions. Is the older version neccessary?
   Have fellow Banglorean PCQ subscribers recieved their NOV issues yet?
I havn't, and I'm eagerly waiting!


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