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Re: [LI] what is egroups upto now?

On Fri, 1 Oct 1999, s.goswami wrote:

> i got the following mail from egroups on posting to linux-india list can
> somebody throw some light on this.
> subject : Posting sent to the moderator for approval
> Your posting (Subject: "Re: [LI] A few ideas") has been sent to the
> moderator ("ilugj-owner@xxxxxxxxxxx") for approval.  When the
> moderator approves the posting, it will be automatically distributed
> to the eGroup.

Apparently someone is mirroring all our messages to some group on egroups
with a .forward, but since none of us are members of that group, or
because the groups is a moderated one, we are getting these messages. I
have received half a dozen of them already. I sent a message to the
moderator of the group, but no response.


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