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Re: [LI] Mail Headers - What do they mean ?
- Subject: Re: [LI] Mail Headers - What do they mean ?
- From: Sudhakar Chandrasekharan <thaths@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 11:20:45 -0700
Ravi proclaimed:
> I saw this in the headers of one mail from a persin using an @usa.net
> email address:
> ------
> X-MSMail-Priority: High
> X-Priority: 1
> What other values can it take and what do they signify?
The X- prefix says that this is an experimental header. It is considered
experimental because it is not yet a standard. So I don't think you'd find
too much official documentation on possible values.
I am more bothered by the X-MSMail-Priority header. Should I configure
mutt to send out an 'X-MUA-Rating: TheBest'?
> Sender: owner-linux-india@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> X-Loop: linux-india@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <--------- Whats this ?
> X-Url: http://www.linux-india.org <---------- How does once
> incorporate an X-URL column in his mails?
This one is plugged in by majordomo. If you have a highly configurable
Mail User Agent (read, many of the unix MUAs) you can configure it to send
out any custom mail header. Popular ones include 'X-Standard-Disclaimer:
true' (meaning "Anything I say does not represent the views of my employer
...") etc.
- --
"What's so special about this game anyway? It's just another chapter in
the pointless rivalry between Springfield and Shelbyville. They built a
mini-mall, so we built a bigger mini-mall. They made the world's largest
pizza, so we burnt down their city hall." -- Lisa Simpson
Sudhakar C13n http://people.netscape.com/thaths/ Lead Indentured Slave
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