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RE: [LI] Outlook, PalmPilot vs. Linux

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Bhyrava Prasad [SMTP:prasadb@xxxxxxxxxx]
> Vivekananda Baindoor wrote:
> > 
> >         Has anyone had any success with KPilot?
> I think you need to start kpilotd from ntsysv or tksysv.
> Don't own a Pilot, so I could be very wrong.
	[VLB Says]

	Atul has a Palm Pilot (though may be an advanced one PalmPilot V?)

	Atul, how has been your experience with PalmPilot under Linux?  I
know you do use Outlook, but what about availability of a viable alternative
under Linux - E-mail, Calendar etc and Organiser like PalmPilot?

- ---
____    ____   __        ______
\   \  /   /  |  |      |   _  \ vlb@xxxxxxxxx
 \   \/   /   |  |      |  |_) | viveklb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  \      /    |  |      |   _  < PND-7U46, Maidenhead U.K.
   \    /     |  `----. |  |_) | 
    \__/ivek  |_______| |______/aindoor

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