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Re: [LI] Re: [free internet connection]

>>"Sudhakar" == Sudhakar Chandrasekharan <thaths@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

 Sudhakar> In the Capitalist economy nothing comes free.  The "free"
 Sudhakar> internet access thing going on in UK is merely free in
 Sudhakar> perception.  The ISP gets a share of the per-minute charges
 Sudhakar> from the telco.  The business model being if people
 Sudhakar> perceive internet access to be free, they are going to
 Sudhakar> spend more time online.  Meaning they pay the telco more
 Sudhakar> money in per-minute telco charges.  The telco then passes a
 Sudhakar> cut of this on to the ISP.

        In the US, AT&T has jumped on the free net access bandwagon
 (following the lead of the people who were giving away PC's for
 free). The catch? You must run windows, and they take over a strip of
 your screen (about an inch on the right and bottom) to display moving
 advertizements all the time (or all the time you are on-line).

        There was a columnist6 who said that she just taped masking
 tape over the advertizements, and pretended it was a 15 in ch screen
 (not bad for a free PC).

        Again, I am not sure if this is a good business model.

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