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[LI] Outlook, PalmPilot vs. Linux

> Subject:	[LI] Re: LI Posts Now With Prefixes...
> >>"Atul" == Atul Chitnis <achitnis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>  Atul> The issue is *not* just Outlook Express - there are a lot of
>  Atul> mailers in use that do not allow for non-To/CC/From/Subject
	VLB Says >

	Well, one thing that I have found very useful about Outlook is that
it integrates very well with my PalmPilot (iii).

	Now under KDE I do see the KPilot thing but I am yet to get it work
for me - my attempt a few days ago failed - with a message that said
something like - 'unable to start Kpilot daemon'.

	I am using the Chip Special - RedHat 6.0 on my system now.

	Under Windows98 I am able to use OutlookExpress and PalmPilot and
even read mails on my PalmPilot but under Linux and KDE?

	Has anyone had any success with KPilot?

	I wish to discontinue using Outlook (at least from home) because
AFAIK, Outlook is one of the ploys of Microsoft in scuttling the Open Source
Software, Open Standards etc. by creating proprietary extensions to the SMTP
protocol and then binding the users to them. (Refer the Halloween docs)

	But how do I get rid of Outlook without loosing functionality?

	Any help appreciated.

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____    ____   __        ______
\   \  /   /  |  |      |   _  \
 \   \/   /   |  |      |  |_) | vlbaindoor@xxxxxxxxx
  \      /    |  |      |   _  < vlbaindoor@xxxxxxxxxxxx
   \    /     |  `----. |  |_) | Maidenhead U.K.
    \__/ivek  |_______| |______/aindoor

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