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[LI] RE: your mail[How to connect another HDD]

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Chetan Kumar [SMTP:chetansk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> On Sat, 31 Jul 1999, Shanavas K wrote:
> *>I connected another hard disk as primary slave.Bios detected the new one
> *>.Later while i boot into LINUX i got the message
> *>Kernel panic : No init found. Try passing init = option to kernel.
> *>my Question is
> *>	>How can i connect another hard disk as hdb, hdc, hdd after LINUX
> has been 
> your method correct. Once there is a Linux box running just connect one
> more hdd as primary slave and reboot this should work, I do not know why
> you are getting this error, may be you tampered with the lilo.conf, or ur
> root partation is corrupt OR lost......
	[VLB Says >]  This happens only when you change the master/slave
jumper settings for the hard disk containing the root (/)  partition of
Linux.  Other possibility is you muddling up the /etc/lilo.conf and then
executing 'lilo' to put the new (muddled up) lilo.conf into action - lilo
would inevitably complain though - if there is any real muddling up of

	Srinivas are you sure you connected the 'other' hard disk as slave?
It is recommended in most cases to put newer hard disks as masters to older
hard disks - though this forces the OS re-installations etc.

	In case you did connect the old hard disk containing Linux as a
slave to the newer one, no need to panic - (I am assuming you have RedHat
Linux in the following:-) - you just 're-start the Linux Installation
process, when the installation asks you whether you want to do a 'Install'
or an 'upgrade' - say 'upgrade' - then go along the installation procedure -
nothing really gets installed though!  But the Linux on the now slave disk
must get recognised and then the lilo would be re-installed with proper

	Of course as usual there are umpteen number of ways of doing the
same thing in Linux - the above is just one of them!

	This probably is the safest way to get your Linux hard disk as a
primary slave and still get Linux going.
	With Dos/Windows the situation is very different - in most cases you
would be forced to re-install the whole lot and also into the newer hard

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 \   \/   /   |  |      |  |_) | vlbaindoor@xxxxxxxxx
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   \    /     |  `----. |  |_) | Maidenhead U.K.
    \__/ivek  |_______| |______/aindoor

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