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[LI] A good article

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 Hello All

   I found a very good article on the net. Enjoy it.

  The URL  is  http://i-want-a-website.com/about-linux/jul99.shtml#Win2K-OSS

   Enjoy it


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REDMOND, WA -- Following months of speculation and paranoia in the Linux =
community, Microsoft has confirmed everyone's fears by announcing the =
imminent release of Microsoft Windows 98 for Linux (MSW4L). The new =
product is not a Windows emulator for Linux; instead, it features a set =
of kernel patches and userspace programs that make Linux more like =
Windows. Or, as one Microsoft representative said, "more user-friendly". =

The kernel patches mostly modify the Oops (kernel panic) code. With =
MSW4L, kernel errors will be displayed in a white-on-blue character cell =
screen. One kernel patch randomly adds the line strcpy(NULL, "Microsoft =
wins!"); throughout the kernel, causing random bluescreens.=20

The userspace programs replace commonly used utilities. For example, =
here's a screenshot of the MSW4L rm command (also called DEL and ERASE): =

[root@testbox root]# rm testfile~=20

Microsoft rm v4.10.2222a for Linux
(c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA
This program is part of Microsoft Windows for Linux. This program is =
released under the Microsoft GPL (Grossly Private License).
No part of this program may be copied or disassembled. Violators will be =

This will delete the file testfile~.
Warning: The filename testfile~ has more than 8 characters. Do you want =
to convert it to a reasonable format [suggested: testfi~1] before =
performing this operation? [Yn] n=20

Do you want to delete the file %s? [yN] y=20

Are you sure you want to do this? [yN] y=20

Deleting a file can lead to loss of information. This program is for =
experienced users and system administrators only. Are you sure you want =
to proceed? [yN] y=20

To prove you are a system administrator, please enter the number of your =
MSCE certificate. [] 123-1234567
Certificate approved.=20

Microsoft can not be held responsible for the effects of deleting a =
file. Using this command voids your warranty.
Proceed? [yN] y=20

Error: File testfile~ not found.
[root@testbox root]#=20

Microsoft Windows 98 for Linux can be purchased at your favorite =

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