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[LI] Squid & Telnet & Samba

Well I think my internet gateway is working now because whenever I fire up my 
browser on my win m/c it gives me an error saying

The requested URL could not be retrieved

While tring to retireve the URL: http://www.something.something

The following error was encountered

Access Denied

Access control configuration prevents your request from being allowed at this 
time. Please contact your service provider if you deel this is incorrect.

Generated Sun, 15 Aug, 1999 11:26 GMT by host.yep.com (Squid/2.2.STABLE1)

So what do I do guys? I follwed the instructions given in the PCQ issue where 
it just mentioned to do two steps. Also before my Win m/c could telnet to my 
linux m/c and get connected but now it gives the msg connection to host lost. 
Also if I try to telnet within my linux m/c i.e. at the bash prompt telnet it says 
Trying to connect
escape character .....
Connection to foreign host lost

I don't know why? Can anybody help?

And I configured my SAMABA but and changed the WINS in my win m/c but when I 
try to access my network it says no network to browse or something.


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