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RE: Inquiry about hardware

>Heres a comparison of the various quotes i obtained from some dealers in
>Bombay -
>Intel se440bx-2                  -    7500
>PII 350 MHz                        -  10900
>Replace with Celeron 400 MHz
>Celeron - 400                -  5500
>Total                               -   27000
>Replace with K6-2 350 Mhz and some compatible MotherBoard
>K6-2                                    - 3000
>M.B. with VIA MVP3       - 3500
>Total                                 -   20500
>A difference of 12000 !!! Thats **not** little money for me. If the prices

You are comparing the prices of the VIA MVP3 with the Intel Se-440BX2. Not
a very fair comparison. If you go for a VIA Slot 1 motherboard, your
motherboard cost would come down by atleast 1500-2000. The FPU on Intel
Chips is twice as fast as that on the K6-2. So you could go for the Celeron
400 (or 366) on a VIA board, which would cost you around 25000 

>budget of 20-25K. The only things that i am planning to use from my old

Replacing the ASUS V3000ZX-TV (whose TV in/out features are not used by
anyone anyway) by a Creative Exxtreme with 4MB saves you almost Rs 3000.

By the way, Creative's PCI-128 sound card was out 2 months ago. It is PCI,
and has a 128 voice wavetable. Its performance is very good (My uncle says
he shouldn't have bought his AIWA 1000W music system - but he's not an
audiophile) and is much cheaper than the LIVE!

- -Rajesh J Advani
Live and let Live
... and use Linux.

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