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Re: linux-india@aunet.org is invited to join indian-isp@egroups.com

>>>>> "Sudhakar" == Sudhakar Chandrasekharan <thaths@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    Sudhakar> <Put Mandatory Dictatorial Cigar In Mouth>

    Sudhakar> eGroups has earned the dishonor of now being monitored
    Sudhakar> and filtered from this list.  I don't know who the
    Sudhakar> culprit is and how this whole mess started.

I'd feel a CC of this message to the eGroups managers and
administrators would be useful.  After all, if their subscribers/users 
are abusing the service they have a right to know.


- -- Raju

    Sudhakar> <Take Out Mandatory Dictatorial Cigar From Mouth>

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