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[root@nirman /root]# uname -a
Linux nirman.newdelhi.sgi.com 2.2.10 #4 SMP Tue Jul 6 04:05:05 IST 1999 i686 unknown
[root@nirman /root]# adduser
usage: adduser  [-u uid [-o]] [-g group] [-G group,...] 
                [-d home] [-s shell] [-c comment] [-m [-k template]]
                [-f inactive] [-e expire mm/dd/yy] [-p passwd] [-n] [-r] name
       adduser  -D [-g group] [-b base] [-s shell] [-f inactive] [-e expire mm/dd/yy]

- -p very much there.

- -- Raju

>>>>> "Atul" == Atul Chitnis <achitnis@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

    >> I am not sure if you have understood my problem, this is got
    >> nothing to do with encryption. The problem is that what ever
    >> you give with -p option from the command line to adduesr, just
    >> sits in the /etc/passwd passwd field, mean it is not
    >> encrypted. Something like parameter with -p option expects the
    >> admin to give an encrypted passwd this is strange to me

    Atul> I just checked adduser and useradd in RedHat Linux 6.0 - no
    Atul> sign of a -p flag (man adduser or man useradd).

    Atul> If you are not running RHL, your distro might have
    Atul> implemented things differently - adduser is almost certainly
    Atul> a shell script.

    Atul> Atul

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