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Re: [linux-delhi] Re: This page best viewed with Lynx

=>How does, if it does, lynx handle cookies?

It does handle cookies fine.

=>How does it handle badly done webpages that don't support non-frames
=>     browsers?

You can view multiple frame pages with lynx.
It will list the frames which are there in the page.

=>How do I configure pine (mail reader) to use lynx to view URLs?
now pine has two features :
o one is to view url's that came in the mail
o other is text/html attachments.

Solutions to first :
url-viewers              = /usr/bin/lynx

change it to netscape if you want, or to a shell script which tests that
if you are in an xterm lanych netscape, else lynx.

=>And btw, a little off topic, how do you get pine to netscape instead? Is
=>it possible at all?

To view text/html attachments :
setup lynx or netscape as the handler for text/html in /etc/mailcap.

Vardhan: yeah with the latest version of lynx which came in the CHIP-CD
you can view the pages while they are being downloaded.


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