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Re: [linux-delhi] ADMINISTRIVIA

Dear Sandeep,
Though I missed the Mail in question I can fully visualize the same I
endorse ur views. I am also a newbie to Linux and still trying to find may
way around.

Yoganand G
> > Anyway, by this i don't mean to discourage newbies from sending mails.
> But you've done that. Reading your mail when I just read that you were
> to quote a message for its stupidity , and as I was scrolling down the
> message, my heart sank (and missed a few heartbeats.. I guess 3) with the
> expectation that what-if  its one of my mails. Not seeing one of those was
> relieving but it sure does not comfort me to see a fellow newbie being
> ridiculed in public. I'm going to have to take care to ask only
> questions so that next time you dont quote me in a fit of similar
> is discouragement enough.What you failed to notice is that the person you
> quoted has come to Linux, from windows, expecting a black console and not
> being intimidated. And by the way its not dumb to post from OE, its poor
> work on our side not to have come up with a nice little package that can
> handle HTML mail ,and which is good enough for everyone to kick out pine
> good. Lets not take the easy way out and shun HTML mail just because we
> have the resources to read it.
> > But
> > i do expect them to go for learning things, rather than expecting a
> > mechanical answer. I dont think they should feel offended when someone
> > says "READ THE HOWTO".
> This depends on the path you wish linux to follow.(see- Linux Community
> Linux Industry, at slashdot). The basic approach we are following now is
> Linux for all. I first installed Linux in may-98. I booted into it and
> to a command prompt.. now what, I thought? There wasnt anybody to tell me
> where on my system are the HOWTO's (or if there is something like a HOWTO
> all), I didnt know startx , I didnt know of man.. nothing at all. I'd
> that there's a powerful compiler in linux called gcc. So i simply typed
> and expected a blue screen with a File menu , I got an error instead. That
> was goodbye to Linux.. till I came to know of Linux-India , where I hanged
> around for a while and learnt to find my way around. Its been three months
> now, and I'm in love with gcc , and if I'll know enough.... I'll someday
> even try to write a patch to make it do more things, and in a better way.
> Repeat what you've done... and we'll have lesser people like me. But I
> use OE , because I've yet to find anything else that sorts , searches and
> presents my mail quite like it. I'm not using Linux because its Linux, I'm
> using it because I find it better. I use windows media player because my
> movies play full-screen in it, I use gcc because there's nothing quite
> it, I use OE because I love it, I use netscape because its faster and has
> button to toggle images,I dont use vi, I use joe.. I'll have the best of
> worlds, no matter how dumb you think me to be, and I'll laugh when I see
> doing in pine, painstakingly, what I can do in OE with two clicks.
> >
> > All comments welcome, flames go to /dev/null [OH NO, IT'S FULL]
> This isnt intended to be a flame... I'm getting emotional though. :)
> Regards,
> Sundeep.
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